Welcome! I’m Taylor Evans-Kawchuk. I’m currently working on my first book.

I helm a private psychotherapy practice, lead creative retreats and swirl in a consistent ceramic art making practice.

I live on Vancouver Island in Canada, BC and have a dog named Marzy. I love to host dinner parties, bake cakes and spend copious amounts of time outside 🤟🏽

Contact info:


Making Art Out of Life

Create a Life With YOU at the Centre and Unleash Your Inner Artist

I’m here for the people-pleasers, good girls, and creatives in hiding. The ones who did everything “right” but came up for air empty handed.

For the one’s who’ve decided this is the lifetime they get what they want. This is the lifetime they get to be well, with their creative life at the centre.

I believe we can’t have one without the other. We can’t have creativity without well-being, and we can’t be well without our creative hearts alive and free.

I’m here for your creative liberation. To dream up and create the world you want to live in. Ready to make art of your life?